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Cleveland Cable is COVID-19 Secure

May 26, 2020

As we prepare to release employees from furlough and back into work, Cleveland Cable Company has undertaken full CV19 risk assessments. We have identified the relevant risks in bringing more people onto our sites and have arrived at mitigation measures to ensure we provide a safe place of work for all our employees. Cleveland Cable Company is COVID 19 Secure as outlined below.

  • We have undertaken specific COVID 19 risk Assessments covering all aspects of our operations. All staff will receive training in the new application of elements of the risk assessment which affect them.
  • We will be bringing staff back in a phased manner which will increase as demand grows. We will be operating on a rotational shifts basis to ensure maximum output while still working under social distancing rules
  • We have identified the people in the company who may be “at risk”, who are being protected as far as is possible.
  • Vulnerable staff will be the last employees to return to our depots, and only once it is safe to do so.
  • We have made additions to the site induction to pre screen visitors \ deliveries and have included provision for sanitization stations within reception areas
  • World Health Organisation best hygiene advice posters are up in all washrooms and common areas and provision has been made for high alcohol sanitisers in lobbies, landings and meeting rooms.
  • Specific driver risk assessments have been carried out and drivers carry an SSoW with them for all deliveries.
  • Drivers have been issued with full PPE for their deliveries. They have instructions to enforce social isolation limits of at least 2 mtrs at all times.
  • Cleveland Cable will continue to monitor the situation and will update accordingly as new information is available.